Advanced E-commerce Management & Finance for Business
AEMFB Capital
Eugen-Huber-Strasse 12
8048 Zürich, Switzerland
Get capital Develop ideas Acquire knowledge Take a risk Grow sustainably



What distinguishes us from classic venture capital funds is that we do not just provide financing but are also actively involved in developing our portfolio companies. This can go as far as taking a temporary operational role in the management team.

Our team consists of former senior executives with in-depth managerial expertise in industrial, financial and online sectors. And we find that our portfolio companies can greatly benefit from our experience.

Through the lifecycle of our investment we normally seek to participate in the following:

  • Defining strategic development direction
  • Appointment of key executives and approval of their remuneration
  • Review and approval of business plans and annual budgets
  • Approval of fixed assets expenditure above an agreed threshold
  • Approval of long term contracts with both suppliers and clients above an agreed threshold
  • Periodic (at least quarterly) senior management meetings and reviews
  • Approval of new business development projects, joint ventures and any M&A activity